RCS Seniors, please turn in your RSVP cards for the Senior Banquet, to be held May 23 at 6 p.m., so we can get an accurate headcount for the dinner. You can turn in cards to the front desk, call 336-597-0020, ext. 322, or email hawkinscb@roxborocommunityschool.org.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Parents, if you have an unpaid balance on your child's Dining Hall account, please pay TODAY. Mrs. Russ needs to balance her books, and there is a great deal owed. Go to www.myschoolaccount.com or send cash or checks with your student. Thank you for your consideration.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
School lunch tray
The RCS High Fitness class with Lindsay Carver has been rescheduled from May 7 to May 14.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
High Fitness poster
Forms for the June 10-20 summer drivers ed bookwork are available at the front desk.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
There are only 3 middle school yearbooks and 31 high school yearbooks left for sale. Please come to Room 220 if you wish to purchase a book.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
The Teacher Appreciation Committee is asking for dining hall supervision volunteers so teachers can have duty free lunch on Monday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 7, from 11 to 11:45 a.m. and 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. To volunteer, email Suzi Martin at batezeboy@charter.net.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
The funds from this year's Dance for Change will be used to create a "Bulldog Bank" to assist our community with needs during times of hardship. RCS students are encouraged to recognize needs in the community and have a resource to assist. For instance, a neighbor who is sick and travels to Durham for treatments may need a gas card, a friend of the family who has to stop working to care for a family member may need a grocery gift card, or the homeless may need a gift card to Tricia's for a meal. Forms are in Mrs. Coleman’s room for students or staff to request funds to help someone. A committee will review submissions, keeping the requester and the person in need confidential, to determine the amount and how the assistance is given. Email Mrs.Coleman at colemantr@roxborocs.org with questions, or students may stop by her room.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
The RCS Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade and High School Bands will perform their annual spring concert on Tuesday, May 7, at 7 p.m., in the RCS multipurpose room. This is a free concert. Come out and hear your wonderful RCS musicians.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
7th Band
Please submit Box Tops for Education before the end of the school year, so we can get one more check this year. Ask friends and family to help out, too!
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
See the latest Volunteer View to see how to help out.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Vol View JPG
Drivers Education Book Work classes will be held June 10-20, in the auditorium at Southern Middle School. There will be two class sessions to choose from -- one from 8 a.m. to noon and another from noon to 4 p.m. The cost is $65. Sign up at the RCS front desk.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Volunteer Proctors are needed for EOC/EOG testing the week of May 20 - 24. If you can help any of those days, please contact Testing Coordinator Jodi DeVillier by email at devillierjh@roxborocs.org or by calling 336-597-0020, ext. 114. Parents, grandparents, college-age students and alumni are all welcomed and appreciated! This is a wonderful way to complete your family's volunteer requirement for the school year
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
The last day to turn in High School Attendance Screening Forms for 2nd semester is Friday, May 10. Forms are located on the school's website or can be picked up from Ms. King. Any high school student who has missed over nine days in a class needs to complete and turn in a form in order to get permission to make-up time-for-time. If forms are not turned in by the due date or if they are not approved by the Attendance Committee, a student's semester grade in the class will be dropped to a 59. Forms should be turned in to Ms. King (Room 219).
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Students, please check the Lost and Found table, located downstairs between the front office and the dining hall. All unclaimed items will be donated tomorrow.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS celebrated its Scholar Athletes today. According to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association, individual Scholar-Athletes must attain at least a 3.5 weighted grade point average for the semester in which they play a sport.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Scholar Athletes
UNC biomedical graduate student, Justin Huckaby visited Ashley Bailey's biology class today to discuss personalized and targeted medical treatments.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Biology Class Speaker
Dining Hall Volunteers Needed The Dining Hall needs help from 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the following dates. Please email russbs@roxborocs.org or call Mrs. Russ if you can volunteer. Tuesdays, May 7, 14: Wednesdays, May 1, 8, 15; Thursdays, May 2, 9, 26; and Fridays, April 26, May 3, 10, 17.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Dining Hall Accounts Due Parents, if you have an unpaid balance on your child's Dining Hall account, please pay by May 3. Mrs. Russ needs to balance her books, and there is a great deal owed. You can go to www.myschoolaccount.com or send in cash or checks with your student. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Lunch Tray
Three RCS sophomores, Anna King, Kameron Angenola-Thomas and Taylor Anderson, have been accepted to the North Carolina School of Science and Math for the 2019-2020 school year. NCSSM accepts students who are strong academically and interested in a science, technology, engineering and math program of study.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS seeks to fill an upcoming vacancy on its Board of Directors. Please visit the web site, www.roxborocs.org, to download an application. Completed, signed applications should be mailed or delivered to Managing Executive Director Dave Ebert by noon on Friday, May 3, 2019.
almost 6 years ago, Phyliss Boatwright