4th Round 1A Baseball State Playoffs
Friday, May 17, 7 p.m. -- Roxboro Community School vs East Surry. Barry Hall Field is located behind the high school on Old 52 Bypass, just below the tennis courts. Admission is $7. Only NCHSAA and TARHEEL passes will be accepted at the gate. The concession stand will operate before and during the game, serving hot dogs, nachos, chips, candy, and drinks. There are bleachers, and room for chairs around the field. Parking is limited around the stadium area, but is permitted at the Armfield Recreation Center, on the left just before the baseball field. Parking is also permitted at the school, but is a longer walk to the field.
No pets are allowed on school grounds.

Parents, if you have an unpaid balance on your child's Dining Hall account, please pay by Friday, May 17. Mrs. Russ needs to balance her books for the year, and there is a great deal owed. You can go to www.myschoolaccount.com or send in cash or checks with your student. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Bulldogs shut out Polk County! Headed to 4th Round Friday! #bulldogproud

Bottom of the 7th and Bulldogs are up 3-0.

RCS parents, we are running low on tissues. Please donate if possible, and be sure to put your name on the boxes in order to get volunteer credit.

Those attending High Fitness at RCS tonight should park in front of the building. Parents attending the 8th Grade Advancement Ceremony will park in the new lot.

The Person County Recreation, Arts and Parks Department is adding a new nature trail focused on environmental education at The Rock Athletic Complex.
A grand opening celebration will be held Thursday, May 23, at 5:30 p.m. at 215 Wesleyan Road in Roxboro.
Attendees can experience nature while learning about the environment from educational placards discussing soils, forestry, water quality, and wildlife displayed
RCS students spent hours creating the trail and the Environmental Club provided research and designs for the educational markers.

Seniors, please turn in your RSVP cards for the Senior Awards Banquet, to be held May 23 at 6 p.m., so we can get an accurate headcount for the dinner. You can turn in cards to Mrs. Hawkins or email her at hawkinscb@roxborocommunityschool.org.

The Interact Club will sponsor Purple Pinkie Day on Friday, May 17. For $1, students can have their pinkie nail or finger painted purple to raise money for End Polio Now, a project sponsored by Rotary International. A purple pinkie symbolizes the stamp used to identify a child in an endemic country who has received the lifesaving vaccine.

No lunch will be served on Monday, May 20 or Tuesday, May 21. Testing will be taking place in both dining halls. Parents, please send a bag lunch students can eat in their classrooms. There may not be access to the microwaves to heat up leftovers.

Middle School Block Party will be Thursday, May 30. Tickets will be for sale for $10 Tuesday, May 14 - Tuesday May 21. Activities include dunking booth, jousting, double water slide, volleyball, corn hole, tug of war, water balloons, selfie booth, a DJ and tattoo booth. The menu includes hamburgers, hot dogs, popcorn, funnel cakes, dessert table, and the Kool Treatz Icee Truck. All food and drink included in the price.

The middle school boys’ baseball team is regular season champion and won the conference tournament tonight against East Wake. We are #bulldogproud of these guys!

RCS senior cross country runner Sydney Fryman signed a letter of intent today to run with Averett University next year. Congratulations, Sydney! We are #bulldogproud of you!

Five RCS students won the Elks Americanism Essay Contest. Division I District Winners were Declan Harendeen, 1st Place and Mason Grace, 3rd. Division II winners were Zoe Godard, 1st Place; Lauren Talley, 2nd and John Stultz, 3rd. Zoe Godard also earned 3rd in State Division II.

There is a water leak under the pavement near the greenhouse, and the plumber has to shut off the water to the school for six hours after the repair is complete. In order to avoid closing school tomorrow, the water will be shut off at 3:30 this afternoon. Because of this, the Bands Concert scheduled for 7 tonight will be moved to Thursday, May 9, at 3:30 p.m. The soccer and baseball games scheduled for this afternoon will not be affected. School will operate on normal schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, May 8.

During Bulldogs Care Days this year, sixth grade students watched the documentary Living on One Dollar, and learned how poverty affects millions of people in rural, remote areas of the world. To raise awareness and money for the Living on One organization, students will sell friendship bracelets that they made this Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10, in the Dining Hall during middle school lunch. Bracelets cost 50 cents to $2, and would make great Mother’s Day or Teacher Appreciation gifts! Please see Mrs. Carter with questions.

RCS in Spain is conducting its final Krispy Kreme sale of the year! Celebrate the end of the school year with a box of one-dozen glazed or chocolate iced doughnuts for just $10! Orders are due by Monday, May 13. Doughnuts will be delivered Friday, May 17. Please place orders using this link: https://forms.gle/ekG5CHgUJX9pMLi97.

RCS First-Round Playoff games tomorrow, Tuesday May 7 include Soccer at RCS against Camden County High at 5 p.m.; Softball BYE; Baseball at RCS (Optimist Park) against Mitchell High at 6 p.m.

Please follow this link -- https://www.smore.com/18uay -- to view the latest Guidance Gazette.

Friday, May 10 is a Jeans Day. The $2 donation will support end-of-year awards ceremonies.