Congratulations to Abbey O’Briant, Anniston Stovall, and Haley Wilkerson on their selection to attend Rotary Youth Leadership Awards 2019! The Rotary Club of Roxboro nominated the RCS students and covered all expenses for them to participate in a 3-day RYLA camp, April 5-7.

Attention Seniors and Parents,
The annual Former Student Reception will be held on Monday, April 22, 2019, at 6 p.m. This reception is for graduating seniors who attended an elementary school in Person County, including Bethel Hill Charter School and all Person County Elementary Schools.Seniors will need to RSVP to this event by completing the survey that will be sent in a separate email. Please note -- only students will receive the survey.

Senior cap and gown pictures will be taken on Thursday, April 25, in the media center.