Mrs. Conner’s Earth and Environmental Science students perform a lab to demonstrate their knowledge of the scientific method and appropriate use of lab materials.
6th graders in Mrs. Carter’s Social Studies class read about various ancient cultures.
Students in English 3 present information on a Native American myth in Ms. Charles’s class.
Math 1 students in Mrs. Haga’s class learn about literal equations.
Mrs. Shattuck’s 7th grade English students play a game to review vocabulary.
Biology students in Mrs. Bailey’s class perform a lab to test for an enzyme.
Students in Mrs. King’s AP American History class debate various issues concerning colonization.
Mrs. Clayton’s 6th grade Math students practice determining the Greatest Common Factor of a set of numbers.
Civics students in Ms. Watts’s class learn about the powers of state and federal government.
Students in Mrs. Carter’s Math 3 class create a test study guide for their first unit.
Mrs. McCormick’s Chemistry students learn about classifying matter.
Math 2 students in Mrs. Meadows’s class work with complex numbers.
Students in Mrs. Porter’s 7th grade Science class review for an assessment on the scientific method.