Academic Success students in Mrs. Stultz’s class research and prepare speeches that will be presented to their classmates.
Mrs. Carter’s students learn more about ancient Indian civilizations in their Social Studies class.
Chad Horner, Financial Advisor and RCS Board Member, speaks with Personal Finance students about saving and investing. Students volunteer in a demonstration explaining the importance of saving early for retirement and the effects of compound interest.
Mr. Bradsher’s English I class presents student-researched biographical or argumentative projects.
Pre-Calculus students calculate growth and decay in Mr. Bell’s class.
8th graders in Mrs. Morrow’s ELA class discuss their thoughts while reading about Dr. Temple Grandin.
Mr. Swanson’s high school Band students refine their skills and performance of pieces.
6th grade Science students review their knowledge of the sun and moon for an upcoming test.
Students in Ms. Watts’s American History I class study the Election of 1824.