Sixth grader Caroline Cates is the winner of the January 8 RCS Spelling Bee. Baylor GilliamHong, also a sixth grade student, is the runner-up. Both Caroline and Baylor will represent RCS in the district bee, which will be held at Cornerstone Charter Academy in Greensboro on February 5.
In addition to Caroline and Baylor, the spellers were Carly Long -- seventh grade; Rose Kamel -- eighth grade; Eddy Osnaya Bautista -- eighth grade, and Megan McAdams -- eighth grade.
Teachers Jennifer Carter, Kara Roberts and Sara Morrow served as judges and Melanie Winstead, RCS Academic Coach, served as the pronouncer.
Beth Stultz, sixth grade Academic Success teacher, is the coordinator of the RCS Spelling Bee.
The 2020 RCS Spelling Bee was held Wednesday, January 8 in the school library. It was an oral bee that consisted of 21 rounds.